Ray Trace

Create realistic images using Chief Architect's built-in Ray Trace engine; learn how to customize the lighting and materials to create the perfect scene.

Title / Description



Ray Tracing - An Introduction

This is the start of the Ray Trace video series. It discusses what Ray Tracing is and goes over the differences between GPU, or Real Time Ray Tracing, and CPU Ray Tracing.

Video No. 1970



Ray Tracing - Materials

This video is the second in the Ray Tracing Video Series. It goes through adjusting material properties with the goal of making them more realistic for Ray Traced views.

Video No. 1971



Ray Tracing - GPU Lighting

This video is a part of a series of videos on Ray Tracing. It covers the lighting properties relevant to a GPU, or Real Time Ray Trace, including adjusting the sunlight, the daytime backdrop intensity, adjusting individual lights, and creating light sets.

Video No. 1972



Ray Tracing - GPU Camera Settings

This video is a part of a series of videos on Ray Tracing. It covers the rendering settings contained within the camera view, as well as the Physically Based rendering technique options. Also shows how to save/export an image to your computer.

Video No. 1973



Ray Tracing - CPU Lighting

This video is a part of a series of videos on Ray Tracing. It covers the lighting properties relevant to a CPU Ray Trace, including adding a sun angle, light settings, and the lighting and sunlight settings within the Ray Trace Assistant.

Video No. 1974



Ray Tracing - CPU Camera Settings

This video is a part of a series of videos on Ray Tracing. It covers using the CPU Ray Trace Assistant, editing Ray Trace configurations, and image properties for a CPU Ray Trace. It also shows how to save the image to your computer.

Video No. 1975



Tips and Tricks for Creating Better Renderings

Customize camera settings to match each scene, here are some tips on which settings to use.

Video No. 1976



360 Panorama Renderings

Save or export a 360 degree rendering to share your designs with your clients.

Video No. 403

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